* Subtitles are fetched from OpenSubtitles.org using its official API.

* Known issue 1: Unfortunately, VLC 2.1 removed the possibility for plugins to access the internet. Therefore the plug-in only works for VLC 2.0.9 or lower.

* Known issue 2: VLC sometimes shows an error saying a zip file that contains subtitles is not valid. Just run it again until it works. (This problem is once more not due to the plug-in but to VLC : if you go to the url you indeed grab a valid file)

* In order to be improved and for this purpose only, the plug-in collects anonymous data such as the text pattern it tries to search subtitles for and the result of the search.
You can prevent this collect by opening the .lua file with any text editor (for instance "Notepad") and then by replacing true by false on the line COLLECT_RESULT = true (top of the file).
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